Saturday 19 June 2010


I finally received my final transcript
after much bated breath
and nerves
i built up enough courage to open the email
which then said the results were in an attached pdf
which then caused me so much tension
cuz i had to psych myself up all over again
and then had to scroll quite far down the page of the pdf
to finally see what ive graduate with....

so relieved....
i was hoping for the better
but shouldnt be too greedy la
was very disappointed indeed with my thesis marks
but oh well!!
not bad at all
im finally a graduate!
and its fathers day in a few minutes....
cant wait to break the good news
my dad deserves a lonngggg break after this
as im the last child to graduate.

so proud of both my parents :' )

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Exactly 1 year ago...

on June 15th 2009
I would be in Heathrow Terminal 3
waiting to fly on a jet plane at 3 pm
back home to where the heart is
but alas
gotta do what ya gotta do i say!

trying to stay positive