Friday 26 March 2010

...of random thoughts and monopoly DEAL

Back in London again
sy invited me to stay over before we all go for hols
played monopoly Deal with him kok ming and his fren till 3
damn addictive
.....and vindictive

Had a sudden thought on my way to london...
why is there such hostility between
Christianity and Islam
Buddhism and Hinduism co-exists so peacefully
I guess Chinese and Indians dont like choi suing
and Angmohs have a knack for controlling everything they see
sigh i hate doing group work with angmohs
arrogant empty vessels
well so far anyway....


  1. edinehohohohohohooo1 April 2010 at 01:48

    i think thats cause buddhism kind of stemmed from hinduism or something i forget. but siddharta gautama was from india lah.

    and hinduism is the kind of religion which takes in beliefs and practices from other religions as well, so they are quite give and take.

    hinduism and buddhism fall into the same category (type of religion) whereas christianity and islam fall into the same kind of category..they believe in some kind of supreme being or leader..

    well blablabla i took a course on world religions :)

  2. but i'm too lazy to go on about it here lol save it for a coffee session if we do have one this year.

    doink! i miss you come home!

  3. i agree with edine that Buddhism and Hinduism are similar and Christianity and Islam are similar.

    and u cannot put it down to ang mohs controlling stuff la! wtf
    its the islams that are burning churches in malaysia can. both party's also damn stubborn. i just generally avoid religion. dont u notice that freethinkers are rarely (i wanna say never but im scared u go pull out some statistics or wadever)involved in all this nonsense???

  4. hey im a free thinker too lol
