Tuesday 17 February 2009

Bri-ish Lingo 101

So after being here for more than 5 months to date, u bet ive picked up a few words from the local dialect:-

i) Mancunian/Manci (pronounced as 'man-kyoo-nee-uhn'/'mang-key) - A native or resident of Manchester, England ....namely me :p

ii) Geordie - A native or resident of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England....namely joshua and phey feng and cikgu kenny tan and family

iii) Scouser - A native or resident of Liverpool, England/Liverpudlian.....namely no one lol

iv) Hoover (supposedly used throughout europe) - Vaccuum-cleaner

v) Pissed - Drunk

vi) Chavs - The lower class, uneducated, and ignorant. May come as individuals or groups. *Usually hoody and trekky cladded with gangsta rapper-ish-esque-ness but with the english twist. Skin colour doesnt apply. 11 Jan 2009 - The day bp nearly got mugged by one but luckily and narrowly escaped whee....damned chavss

Kid chav in da hi-ouse...ya hearrr?? wuurrred

vii) Skells - Often associated and mistaken with chavs. Skells are a more generic representation of
people who are homeless and live in a derelict, hence their misunderstood nature.

viii) Skinheads - An antisocial person who affects a hairless head as a symbol of rebellion, racism, or anarchy. However since 50% of the british male population currently have shaved heads(based on my observation), the term 'skinheads' has evolved to a more generic benign fashion stereotype since its inception during the late 60s

Yes my frenz, I seem to be very unlucky with the latter 3 over the past 5 months but am getting used to it. So, before u consider coming over to the uk, dont say i didnt warn u. I hope this post has come off as a more informative, if not, entertaining one than the recent few lol =P


  1. haha, pissed and skinheads were rather common in terms of lingo I though.. I knew chavs, manci's and hoovers though! didn't know skells

    yay, I feel somewhat happy!

  2. i guess nz aint that dif from the english...having the same roots after all
