Wednesday 26 November 2008


Last week was rather disastrous and depressing....

Too bad its over and this week started out much better i guess, except for the part where i walked straight into a bloody pole...frikkin pain man of the worse things that i still remember very vividly about last week was about a nightmare i had...

its like in Lodge on the top floor at block C via the canteen after the stairs on the right theres like an open ended brickwall railing rite? then when u look down its like all the jungle, a stream and fencing rite?

then omg in my nightmare, suddenly a student seemed like he jumped of the ledge then it caused a ruckus and everyone started going to the railing and one by one they all fell over....then me being my curious self went to see what was going on and i was probably the only one that could see like a long-hair pale 'samara' shoving students one by one off the railing in a grotesque way and when she saw me...that was when i woke up and noticed how much i was sweating despite it being cold.

celaka i tell u after that i was so scared cuz like my house is 98 yrs old and my room is like in this dark alley in the most private section of the house. who knows whats happened behind these walls these past few decades.

Its giving me the heebee-jeebees man! especially when i have to go brush my teeth since i always sleep at 3 am. scared later i encounter a momok/ju-on...




  1. bern!! who walks into poles?!? thats only supposed to happen in cartoons adoh! haha. take care man :)

  2. yea, who walks into poles???

    and im sure looking for a freaky pic helped very much with ur fear. lol~

  3. "except for the part where i walked straight into a bloody pole."


    I've done it before though... and I walked into a wall too, so been there, done that, I guess =P

  4. its cuz i was late for something and i couldnt find the frikkin building man....the pole came out of no where, i swear!

  5. idiot..u huff too much before u sleep izzit? get str8 la! lol
